- Aleksander Može
- Aleksandra Žakelj
- Ana Balantič
- Ana Ivančič
- Ana Marija Cetin Lapajne
- Andrej Lutman
- Andrejka Jereb
- Anton Velikajne
- Barbara Pišlar
- Benjamin Ipavec
- Borut Činč
- Bojan Glavina
- Črt Sojar Voglar
- Damir Feigel
- Darinka Fabiani
- Dare Kaurič
- Dejan Vodovnik
- Dragica Krapež
- Franc Jaklič
- Franka Lampe
- Gregor Čušin
- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
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- Irena Cigale
- Ivan Rijavec
- Ivanka Čadež
- Ivica Kavčič
- Janez Kavčič
- Jože Felc
- Jože Janež
- Jurij Pfeifer
- Karl Marx
- Kornelija Lovko
- Lilijana Homovec
- Ludvik Čibej
- Maks Strmčnik
- Marko Fabiani
- Marjeta Mavri
- Marijan Beričič
- Marjan Grdadolnik
- Marijan Cilar
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- Mateja Perpar
- Mihael Arko
- Mirko Tratnik
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- Rado Radešček
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- Renata Hvala
- Sara Marinović
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- Saša Dragoš
- Slavica Pavlič
- Sonja Mlakar
- Stojan Črv
- Tinka Gantar
- Tomaž Kosmač
- Tomaž Pavšič
- Vid Prezelj
- Vida Prezelj
- Viktor Prezelj
- Viktorija Gorjup
- Vlasta Terezija Komac
- Zorko Prelovec
- Zoltan Peter
- Mario Kurtjak
Elektronska obvestila
Kje nas najdete
KO SEM SPALA za sopran in orgle - Maks Strmčnik
Opis izdelka
Samospev, z odlomkom besedila iz Visoke pesmi, me je zaradi svojega izjemno sugestivnega besedila pritegnil tako močno, da sem ga napisal v enem zamahu. Besedilo sem prejel v obliki, kjer se pojavlja refren; menim, da to daje skladbi v smislu forme še prav posebno napetost. Vsak stavek predstavlja neko skrivnostno slikanje občutja v smislu pričakovanja dragega in njegovega odhoda brez srečanja. Besedilo mi je narekovalo veliko različnih razpoloženj, napetosti in sprostitev.
Skladba, ki traja 12 minut, je izredno zahtevna za oba solista, saj od sopranistke zahteva sugestivno podajanje oglasbenega besedila in intenzivnih melodičnih linij, medtem ko je orgelski part zaradi barvnih možnosti registracije, hitrih akordičnih menjav in clustrov ter nujne uporabe večih manualov in nenavadnih, večglasnih akordov v pedalu, izredno zahteven.
Za izvrstno praizvedbo sta poskrbeli sopranistka Theresa Plut in organistka Polona Gantar v okviru Koncertnega ateljeja DSS.
Maks Strmčnik, skladatelj
The extremely powerful and moving lyrics of this lied, taken from the Song of Songs, inspired me so deeply that I wrote the entire composition in one sitting. I received the text in the form that repeats the refrain, and I find that that evokes a certain tension in terms of form. Every sentence represents a mysterious manifestation of the emotion experienced when expecting a loved one, as well as when the loved one leaves with no parting words. The nature of the lyrics urged me to include a number of different moods into the song; these were manifested in an interplay of tense and tranquil passages.
This 12-minute composition is immensely demanding for both solo performers. The soprano singer must deliver a deep, emotional interpretation of the lyrics and the song's intense melodic lines, while the organ player must overcome the difficulties of a wide array of registers, quick chord changes and clusters, as well as the obligatory use of more manuals and unusual, polyphonic chords in the pedal.
The stellar premiere of this piece was performed by soprano Theresa Plut and organ player Polona Gantar as part of the Concert Atelier (Koncertni atelje) concerts organised by the Society of Slovene Composers (Društvo slovenskih skladateljev).
Maks Strmčnik, composer
Dodatni podatki
Vezava | Mehka |
Št. strani | 24 |
Format | 230 x 305 mm |
Leto natisa | 2017 |
Ean KODA | 9790709022106 |
Kategorija | Notne izdaje |
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